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互動式學英文:Duolingo - 多鄰國
▲(YouTube/口訣影片 part1 A~Z自然發音)
“Real magic is only a sip away.”
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) April 28, 2022
(Actual slogan of Coca-Cola!!) 🤣🤣
▲(VoiceTube/【怪獸與鄧不利多的秘密】即將上映|全新預告 Fantastic Beasts: The Secrets of Dumbledore – Official Trailer 2)
Memory is everything. 記憶就是一切 Without it, we are blind. 沒有它,我們就是盲人 Without it, we leave the fate of our world to chance. 沒有它,就等於把世界的命運交給運氣決定 I'm sorry to disturb you, Albus, but I've just received troubling news. 抱歉打擾您,阿不思,但我剛剛收到一個令人不安的消息。 Tell me. What is it? - It's Grindelwald. 跟我說,怎麼了?- 是葛林戴華德。 Our time is close, my brothers and sisters. 兄弟姐妹們,我們的時代已降臨。 Our war with the Muggles begins today! 我們與麻瓜的戰爭從今天開始! The world as we know it is coming undone. 我們的世界分崩離析。 If we're to defeat him... 若我們想擊敗他… ...you'll have to trust me. ..請務必相信我。 Mr.Kowalski, we need you. - I said I wanted out, and I want out. 科沃斯基先生,我們需要你。- 我說不玩,就是不玩了。 You do know I'm a witch, right? 你知道我是女巫,對吧? Dumbledore asked that I give you something, Jacob. 鄧布利多要我給你個東西,雅各。 This is the team that's gonna take down the most dangerous wizard in a century. 這就是受托去擊敗近代史上頭號黑巫師的團隊。 Who wouldn't like our chances? 我們是眾望所歸啊。 No one can know everything, not even you. 沒有人能知曉全盤計畫,連你也不能。 What you're doing is madness. 你的作為太過瘋狂。 Grindelwald! 葛林戴華德! With or without you, i'll burn down their world. 不管你是否加入,我都會燒了他們的世界。 Dangerous times... 動亂的時代… …favor dngerous men. …是狂人的天下。 If, by teatime, all of us are still alive... 如午茶時我們還全員健在… ...you should consider our efforts a success. …這個任務就算成功。 Mr.Kowalski. - My pleasure. 科沃斯基先生。-我的榮幸。 Do you really intend to turn your back on your own kind? 你真的打算背叛你的同胞? It was you who said we could reshape the world. 是你說我們可以重塑世界的。 Even if we make mistakes... 即使我們犯下錯誤… Accio! 速速前! ...we can try to make things right. ...也可以盡力補救。 We're gonna need some help. 我們需要幫助。 There's nothing you can do to stop me. 你完全無法阻止我。 Things are not quite what they appear. 眼見不一定為真。 I trust you're enjoying your wand, Mr. Kowalski. 滿意你的魔杖嗎?科沃斯基先生。 Can I keep this? 我能留著嗎? |
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